Act 20 Webinars

Learn with Missy Schmidt, WI Reads Director and K-12 Reading Teacher/Specialist in the Grafton School District, to make sure you are prepared to administer Act 20 screener and diagnostic assessments and personal reading plans!

Preparing to administer the aimsweb+ screener and diagnostics - 12/19/24

Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to administering the required aimsweb+ screeners and/or diagnostics?  Join me for an hour of information sharing and getting answers to your questions and concerns.  A sample assessment schedule will be shared.  We will clarify which diagnostics need to be administered and where to find the materials needed to do so, whether it be in aimsweb+, iReady, or Fastbridge.

Preparing intervention & personal reading plans for those who flag on aimsweb+ screener

I’ve screened and conducted diagnostics-now what?  Creating reading plans.  Nextpath features will be discussed if your district is using Nextpath.  A template will also be shared if you are in need of creating reading plans from scratch, compliments of the Cudahy school district.
